Extravagant Generosity

Leave $5 in random places for people to find (website for inspiration)

Create a Pandora radio station for a friend

Send a gift to someone for no reason

Use your skills to raise money for a cause - (these young kids use origami)

Give money to the Advance - where 100% of your donation goes to the cause you choose

Buy a gift-card and tell the store to apply it to the purchases of people until the card runs out

Share testimonial on what it means to give

Find 5 examples of God's handiwork one day and thank God for your senses to perceive

Thank God for at least three things every night 

Support a youth function through attendance, mentoring, letter of encouragement for mission trip, snacks

Write a note to a confirmand

Give a donation for flowers at Sunday morning worship

Donate cookies or snacks for Vacation Bible School

Read Enough by Adam Hamilton
