Become an usher for worship
Prepare food for those recently hospitalized
Volunteer with the "Room in the Inn" and become a hostess/host for a night
Smile at a stranger and say hello.You'd be surprised what a smile and unexpected greeting can bring to someone's day.
Make physical contact with someone - a hug, a handshake, or a pat on the back and imagine God's connection to us as we connect to one another.
Make physical contact with someone - a hug, a handshake, or a pat on the back and imagine God's connection to us as we connect to one another.
Creating welcoming spaces in your home or office
Become a spiritual friend to someone
on a different pew at church on Sunday
flowers for the shut-ins
Join the Shepherd ministry
Volunteer to become a Sunday School teacher for one Sunday
Stoop sitting in your neighborhood (watch this video for inspiration)