Radical Hospitality

Participate in Dwell with Dignity

Become an "official" greeter (or be the "unofficial" greeter)

Become an usher for worship

Prepare food for those recently hospitalized 

Volunteer with the "Room in the Inn" and become a hostess/host for a night

Smile at a stranger and say hello.You'd be surprised what a smile and unexpected greeting can bring to someone's day.

Make physical contact with someone - a hug, a handshake, or a pat on the back and imagine God's connection to us as we connect to one another.

Creating welcoming spaces in your home or office

Become a spiritual friend to someone

Sit on a different pew at church on Sunday

Arrange flowers for the shut-ins

Join the Shepherd ministry

Volunteer to become a Sunday School teacher for one Sunday

Stoop sitting in your neighborhood (watch this video for inspiration) 

Opening your home to the world (watch this video for inspiration)

Signing your credit card receipt and leave a kind word for the other person

Throw a block or neighborhood party

Design and implement a micro-library (Below picture for inspiration)

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